kecapi mulut bahasa Inggris
- kecapi: harpsichord; lute; lutecium; santol; harp
- mulut: mouth; orifice; gag; gob; jaw; oral; aphthous
- kecapi (buah): sandoricum koetjape
- kecapi suling: kacapi suling
- tali kecapi: chord
- mulut: mouth; orifice; gag; gob; jaw; oral; aphthous ulcer; oral cavity; door; gate; opening; tongue; beak; rima oris; porta; oral fissure; nozzle
- kecapi (alat musik): lute
- dari mulut ke mulut: from mouth to mouth; by word of mouth
- adu mulut: wrangle
- air mulut: gob
- banyak mulut: garrulous; gabby; talkative; loquacious; chatty; multiloquent; talky; polyloquent; inaniloquent; loquatious
- barah mulut: oral cancer
- berat mulut: reserve; quiet; taciturnity; untalkative; reticent; taciturn; submissive; reticence
- besar mulut: bravado
- buka mulut: open mouth; open up
- 121.2 Guimbardes and jaw harps - The lamella is mounted in a rod- or plaque-shaped frame and depends on the player's mouth cavity for resonance.
121.2 Guimbarde dan kecapi mulut - Lamella dipasang pada bingkai berbentuk batang atau plakat dan bergantung pada rongga mulut pemain untuk resonansinya.